
Note on the test drive
Test drives can be carried out by people aged 25 and over.
Note on the test drive +
Probefahrt am NIO Standort
Wählen Sie die von NIO bereitgestellten Standorte für Testfahrten.
Note on the test drive
NIO wird sich bei Ihnen melden und Ihre Anforderungen versuchen zu erfüllen (z.B. Wunsch Zeitpunkt). Wir möchten Sie darauf hinweisen, dass sich die Probefahrt je nach den bei NIO verfügbaren Kapazitäten ändern kann. Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass Probefahrten mit ET7 und EL7 nur durch Personen im Alter von 21 bis 75 Jahren durchgeführt werden können, die ihren Führerschein seit mehr als 2 Jahren besitzen.
Note on the test drive +
Prøvekjør hjemme
Oppgi ønsket sted for din prøvekjøring.
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Your information
Additional Requests
Please let us know your preferred dates, times and other requests.

Up to 500 characters.

Privacy statement

The personal data you provide will be used to organize the test drive and to send a satisfaction survey via email. You can find more information about how NIO handles your data in the Privacy Policy.

I would like to receive the latest information from NIO (NIO AUTO GENERAL TRADING - L.L.C - O.P.C) on NIO products, events, services, and offers by email, phone, or SMS, depending on my selection below. I agree that NIO shares my personal data with other NIO Group companies so that they can also contact me or send me the latest information from time to time.

I can withdraw this consent at any time without reason and with effect for the future by sending an email to, call 800 646 23 or unsubscribing by clicking the unsubscribe link in respective emails. I can find more information on the processing of my personal data in Privacy Notice.

Note on the test drive
Test drives can be carried out by people aged 25 and over.

I would like to be contacted by NIO (NIO AUTO GENERAL TRADING - L.L.C - O.P.C) in connection with my request for the specified product or service. If you would like to learn more about how we handle your personal data, please read our Privacy Notice.