Hello UAE, we are NIO@media only screen and (max-height: 720px) and (max-width: 765px) {    [class*=UAE_heroContent]  h1 {        top: 16vh !important;    }}

    Hello UAE,
    we are NIO

    Hello UAE, we are NIO@media only screen and (max-height: 720px) and (max-width: 765px) {    [class*=UAE_heroContent]  h1 {        top: 16vh !important;    }}

    Hello Friends from the UAE,

    In November 2014, NIO was founded to realize our mission of "Blue Sky Coming". This year marks our 10th anniversary.

    Since the delivery of our first mass-produced vehicle in 2018, NIO has continued to be a leader in the premium battery electric vehicle market, providing premium products and services to an ever-growing community of more than 557,000 users in China and Europe, including over 107,000 new users so far this year.

    The automotive industry is undergoing profound changes. We believe that the future is in safer and more comfortable smart electric vehicles, and we aim to lead the way. In this future, it isn’t just products and technology that must change, it is how people use these products and their entire experience with EVs. When the experience exceeds expectations, electric vehicles will simply become the natural choice for everyone, leading to a more sustainable tomorrow. With that, our mission will be achieved.

    Since its founding, NIO has been a global company. Our users, employees, and investors come from all over the world. In 2023, we formed a strategic partnership with CYVN Holdings, an investment firm backed by the Abu Dhabi Government, to collaborate on international growth. Together we are working to bring our mission to life, starting right here in the UAE.

    We are enthusiastic about collaborating with our local partners to usher in a new era of Smart Electric Vehicles. With our cutting-edge full-stack technologies, we are confident that our vehicles will exceed the high standards expected by UAE users. We are committed to fostering a growing community in the UAE and building strong networks to provide the best possible experience for NIO users.

    We are happy to shape a brighter and more sustainable future together with you all.

    William Li
    Founder, Chairman and CEO

    Roberto Lopes Da Silva
    General Manager, NIO UAE